It's the one on top. Whatever you do don't tell the kittens it's a hamster cage! I purchased an extra teal coloured plastic corner section which installs above the litter box. Two babies are actually in it in this photo. They will use it for sleeping and also for jumping off and attacking an unsuspecting litter mate!
Notice the open window to the left of the crates. They spend a lot of time watching the birds and workers on Church street. There is a wire crate attached to the outside of the window - the workers are quite amused by the cats on the second floor deck!
The city has my street totally torn up installing new sewer drains. There is a Ready John on my lawn, imagine! It's quite a spectacle.
The dad, Cruikshanks is in the lower cage today. One of the females is in heat and we are not having any more kittens this summer! Cruikshanks spent part of the morning on the outside deck before he went in his crate. This crate is 48 inches long. He also has a huge one where a adult person could go in a sit to keep him company.