Milan has seven new babies. They are just over two weeks old. I think they are beautiful! I am disappointed she is having a litter so soon after her last litter - she loves our wonderful male cat, Cruikshanks. She was successful meeting him in a late night tryst.
The babies are well and happy.
Milan loves being pregnant and is very excited when she is in labour. She purrs during her labour. She has kittens on my bed in a crate with a heating pad (the goose down duvet always needs washing afterward, no matter how careful we are!). In this photo the first kitten is just being born.
Here they are:
male black Persian (at the back)
male black tabby Persian (at the front)
male red Persian
female cream tabby Persian
female seal tortie Himalayan
male seal Himalayan
male flame Himalayan
As adults, the Persians will all have copper eyes and the Himalayans will have blue eyes.