Saturday, April 10, 2010

Plum is the most contented mother!

Plum has her two little ones in a  crate with a heating pad on the 'passenger side' of my bed. She just loves them and lays with her eyes shut even though she is really wide awake!

Both kittens are going to live with Kendell and his family in Stickney when they are older.

Here is the closeup! The little girl is closest to the camera and boy is in behind. They are almost two weeks old and their eyes are starting to open.

I bottle feed them three or four times a day and Plum does the rest. She and I are a team!

Today they had a complete bath (it was their third bath) in a bowl of warm water with Dawn dishwashing soap. Dawn has been used to bath seabirds who get caught in oil spills for more than twenty years. It's great for cats too.

Here she is 'Miss America'!