Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

I tried to take the kittens photos on the 'bird nest' but the two babies had other ideas! They wanted to chew on the branches.

These are the two kittens left from the combined litter of seven (belonging to Firefly & Sparrow) - the others have been reserved. On the left is a sweet black tabby Persian male who will have copper eyes and  on the right is a lovely cream tabby Persian female who will also have copper eyes as an adult. She will look like Plum.

Plum didn't think the bird nests were an appropriate place for the babies!

This is a good photo of the black tabby's face. The cream tabby is one month old today; the black tabby will be one month old on Tuesday April 6th.

Today I added several soft toys to their sleeping area and I put in a litter box as well. They should  be litter trained one week from today. They are so smart!