Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sparrow has three new babies!


Sparrow waited to go into labour until after Kal and I got home from the matinee of Alice in Wonderland. This photo is of the first kitten born; a male black tabby Persian, the second kitten born is another male black tabby Persian. They will look like Sparrow as adults. The third kitten is a beautiful female flame point Himalayan. Life is good.

Sparrow is such a proud mom. She talks about her kittens a lot. In this photo she is telling me how lovely they are!

Tonight I have a small crate with Sparrow and her three kittens on my bed. As well, on my bed is a crate with Firefly and her four babies that are 5 days old. It's a bit crowded!

The females really like to be close to me when their babies are young. I supplement their breast milk by doing about half the feedings for a month. I'll be up at 4am warming a bottle.

Sparrow purrs so loudly that she sometimes keeps me awake.