Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Janelle Giroux has left the building

I wasn't quite sure what to expect when Janet Lee, my project leader with Katimavik, told me that I would be living with a woman who had 8 cats and an endless supply of cute little kittens... but after spending 9 days with Patricia and her fabulous feline family, I couldn'd have been more pleased with my experience!
She has a very lovely home and we had a wonderful time together; visiting with friends, seeing movies, shopping and, of course spending tons of quality time with her beautiful cats!
I am now back at the Katimavik house with my group, living in Fredericton until the end of March, then I'm off to Alberta to continue on with this adventure! I couldn't be happier with life in the Maritimes, and I hope to be back as soon as possible!
A big thank you again to Patricia for welcoming me so warmly into her home!
goodbye for now! xoxo