Sunday, August 26, 2012

The kittens are growing like weeds!

The kittens are getting so big! I feed with a bottle three times a day and Firefly and Natalie do the rest. The mothers team nurse and care for each one. They are keeping the kittens very clean. Some litters I have had to bath very young because the mother didn't clean them well.

Joanne and John who were at the top of the list came this morning a chose the lovely kitten in the foreground.

There are four females, three blue cream point Himalayans and one blue cream Persian.

There are three males. all flame point Himalayans with lynx coat pattern.

Gerald and Claudette will be here tomorrow evening as they are the next to choose.

Here I am bathing a two day old kitten a couple of years ago. I am bathing her in a clear glass coffee cup!