Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Michelle is in love with her new baby

 Michelle's mom came with her and we had a great chat. Her mom purchased Chloe from me twelve years ago. She is well loved! We had lots of cat stories to share!

Michelle lost her very elderly cat recently leaving Koko without a 'cat housemate'. She always planned to get one of my babies when her older cat passed away. Life is hard for pet owners because our pets live much shorter lives than we do. Michelle is a stellar cat owner!

Over the years I have found I rarely have to advertise my babies. I much prefer referral from satisfied owners. It's great to see my cats in friends and  relatives homes. Mother is happy and daughter buys one too. Almost every new owner knows someone with one of my cats and arrive because of a recommendation.
 Here he is flaked out on the sofa. Kittens play hard and sleep hard.
Michelle says he is confused by her shag carpet. He pounces on it as though it was an play toy! She will name him when she becomes familiar with his personality.

Below is a note from Michelle.

Kitten is doing fantastic! He is eating, drinking and going to the litter box with no problems. He slept well in his little room and was still asleep yesterday when I took him out to join me in the living room. It is quite comical to watch him play on the rug. Yesterday was Dad's Birthday so my parents, brother and sister-in-law were all over. He had a ball with all of the attention.

Koko is adapting wonderfully, he likes to sit and watch him play.They have sniffed each other a few times and neither is bothered by the other. Koko and I have our routine and that has not changed. He is also adapting to the noises of the apartment and the uptown area. I live in a pretty quiet building but you can sometimes hear the fire trucks and cruise ship horns.

Now to pick a name....I will keep you posted on that one :O)

Chat soon,