Saturday, July 7, 2012

Katie Pyne was so excited that she got up at 4am

 She was so excited to pick up Gus. Her partner Vik was working so Katie came with her friend Alicia. She patted Gus and he was so relaxed that he fell asleep. They are going to have fun with him!

Gus is a cream tabby Persian male kitten.

When kittens go to their new home, I send enough food and enough yogurt for a week. It's less stressful for the baby to stay on the exact same food as he/she was getting here. I also ask new families to bring a clean jug to take home some of my water.
Here is Alicia, Katie's friend. She loved the kittens and cats. At home she has a yellow lab, a chocolate lab and a Pomeranian.